Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happiest Place on Earth...

One of the beautiful perks of being an unemployed, part-time student is that when you get free Disneyland tickets-you can go whenever!

My mom and I got to spend a lovely few hours together at Disneyland. I am truly valuing each and everyday that I am "free." I know that "real life" is not like this and so I am soaking it all in. I count myself so blessed to have a mom that I really do want to spend time with. She is the most amazing woman I know. She gives me wisdom and insight into any area of my life, that I ask. She never pushes or denies my heart and ALWAYS values who I am and what I feel. Walt Disney said, " all dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." My mom always believes that for each one of us kids. And when we did not have enough courage in ourselves, she more than enough courage for us to press on and achieve our dreams. She is the ultimate fan. I pray that someday I can become at least a fraction of who she is.

So this is to you little Mom... You are really the greatest (and now all the blogging world knows!)

1 comment:

  1. I second the above, from her "favorite blonde" daughter:)
